Our Impact
Together, We Live United
Greater Valdosta United Way is a leader in bringing donors, volunteers, and community organizations together to solve critical problems in our 11 county region. Greater Valdosta United Way (GVUW) makes impactful investments into programs that deliver measurable results in the priority areas of Basic Needs, Housing & Shelter, Mental Health Training & Awareness, Youth & After-School Programs. To achieve our goal, GVUW will focus our resources on a limited set of investments in programs demonstrating the greatest impact in addressing critical community needs, directing resources to those that need it most, and contributing to significant outcomes in the lives of the individuals in our community.

Together, we will improve our community starting at its roots with long-term solutions focused on Education, Income Stability, and Health and Wellness – the building blocks to better lives and stronger communities.

How We Impact Lives

Assure children and youth have the support and experiences needed for a successful life and career.
- 12,744 Youth served in after school & summer programs
- 776 Children with disabilities provided recreational programs
- 2,739 Child abuse educational services offered

Financial Stability
Increase the number of financially stable households in our communities.
- 54 Individuals received buyer education
- 1,352 Mortgages supported
- 29 Families received utility assistance
- 201 Potential home owner application meetings provided services offered

Improve and sustain the community's overall health and wellness.
- 153 Respite services provided
- 1,925 Individuals served due to domestic abuse
- 1,043 Child abuse services offered
- 265 Children with disabilities provided with recreational programs

Family and Community
- 191 Disaster services provided
- 170,000 Food pantry/meal services provided
- 402 Individuals provided with shelter
- 27,997 Individuals received assistance through United Way programs
Read more about food pantries