Who is ALICE?
ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) may be a relative or friend. You may be ALICE. As cashiers, waiters, child care providers, and other members of our essential workforce, ALICE earns just above the Federal Poverty Level but less than what it costs to make ends meet. These struggling households are forced to make impossible choices each day. While such hardship is pervasive, households of color are disproportionately ALICE.
ALICE also represents the data reshaping the dialogue on financial hardship, and a grassroots movement that is picking up steam across half of U.S. states - and counting.
A Study of Financial Hardship is brought to you by United Ways of Georgia in partnership with United For ALICE, a driver of innovative research and action around financial hardship for ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) households. United For ALICE and United Ways across Georgia share this work with foundations, government, corporations, and other nonprofits to inform policy and promote positive change for ALICE households.
Out of the 3.95 million households in Georgia, over 1.8 million — 47% — had income below the ALICE Threshold of Financial Survival in 2021
The ALICE Household Survival Budget for a Georgia family of four with two adults, an infant, and a preschooler in 2021 was $61,164, well above the FPL at $26,500 and full-time earnings for most low-wage jobs in the state.
The Household Stability Budget, which accounts for a slightly higher standard of living and a 10% savings category, in Georgia reached a high of $47,112 per year for a single adult and $96,984 for a family of four depending on county.
2019 to 2021, the total number of households in Georgia increased by 3% and the number of households below the Threshold increased by 1% (from 1.85 million to 1.87 million)

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